‘This FTL drive is perfect in every respect,’ said Dr. Finnegan, shuffling through his diagrams and schematics. ‘It’s efficient, easy to manufacture, hauls almost unimaginable weight, and it can even leap between galaxies with a 99% success rate. There’s just one catch: Each use requires the death of a human.’
‘Do it,’ said the president.

Artemis, Hugo winner 1974
(via bunglespleen)

That’s a no-brainer; they’ll just 3D-print a replacement. No harm, no foul.


2015 is gonna suck though cause we won’t have flying cars, automatic self drying coats, power laces, video games that you play with your mind, 80’s Nostalgia Cafes, ubiquitous fax machines, holographic films like Jaws 19, Pepsi Perfect, dust resistant paper, household food rehydrators, and most importantly hover belts that will hold you upside down when you injure your back in order to obscure the fact that Crispin Glover refused to come back for Back to the Future Part 2
