


1969 photos of Neil Armstrong practicing for the moon landing. Or faking it. 

via Paleofuture

Or faking it?

Level of technology back at 1970’s was efficient enough to USA actually be able to land on the Moon and get successfuly back. Still the sudden invention of semiconductor triode (transistor) really stinks because you cannot give your engineers / developers unlimited supply of booze and tell them you need that electron tube in miniaturic scale next year based on before unthinkable materials. Mostly be-cause Ballmer’s Peak was discovered at 1990’s.


I’m joking about a fake landing, guys. You don’t have to tell me we were cool back in 1969. 


Born on May 23rd, 1921 in East Orange, N.J., Blish was at the right age when the science-fiction genre blossomed. Like many future authors, he found himself caught up in the rush of pulp magazines, along with many other youths in the late 1920s. By the age of 14, he had started his own, short-lived fanzine, The Planeteer, which ran for six issues. While still in high school, he began to attend meetings of the famed Futurian Science Fiction Society in New York City." 

Read more: The Big Ideas of James Blish | Kirkus
